My purchase code seems to have been stolen.
How can I recover a purchase code in order to register my theme ?
I ve sent envato the purchase confirmation mail with my name, and the screenshot showing that the actual purchase code is used on another theme.
Thanks for your help
This is a themeforest purchase and not from elements?
You don’t seem to have any buyer badge on this account - are you sure that you are using the right account?
You may need to talk to the author too rather than envato
Thank you for your reply Charlie
I just recovered my account (DEMANGE) and changed the mail so as to receive it in my usual mailbox
How can I get a PURCHASE CODE for my theme (the one I have on the confirmation mail appears to be used on another site, unknown )
thanks for your help
Le mar. 24 déc. 2019 à 00:36, charlie4282 via Envato Forums a écrit :
you can check this article:
I have already done that but
When typing in the code in the slot
I get the message that “the purchase code is used on another site”
I don’t know who took my purchase code!
What can I do?
Envoyé de mon iPhone
contact theme Author and let them know How to Contact your purchased theme Author, theme author will be happy to assist you.