I am new … i am unable to understand this can you please help me with my project url is Multiple Tab - Complete Validation MultiStep Form for Any Purpose using HTML5 Bootstrap Form
Here is the feedback from our review team:
Unfortunately your submission doesn’t meet our current minimum technical quality requirements for the category it was submitted to. Please consider taking some time to familiarize yourself with our current library and quality levels of popular items before resubmitting.
It can be tough when a submission gets rejected, but don’t get discouraged! Try enhancing the UI/UX and maybe simplifying the code. There’s a lot to learn from existing items in the library! For inspiration, think about the joy and excitement that comes with opening a Christmas gift basket for families.
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Thanks dude for support… But i want to know the reason behind it. can you please visit this link Multiple Tab - Complete Validation MultiStep Form for Any Purpose using HTML5 Bootstrap Form helo me to find out the reason
Design is very basic
Does it actually work and send the info submitted somewhere?
You shouldn’t have the warning/instruction copy appear before people have had a chance to enter info to a field
You need to offer a ton more layouts, fields, functionality etc. because there are lots of very well constructed form builder scripts and plugins that offer multiple easy to create layouts, different forms etc that anyone can create
Take this for example Multistep Form HTML5 CSS Bootstrap5 Template by codexunictheme | CodeCanyon - only 10 sales in over two years because it’s too basic
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thanks dude… your suggestion is very usefull for me … now its time to add more modifications in it