Hi everybody,
I just received my first reject from Envato. That was my first time when I uploaded a template.
That’s what they said: “unfortunately we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward”
Here’s the link to my HTML template. Please, review my template and might be you would figure out where is the problem with my template.
Waiting for suggestions!
I haven’t received any replies. Envato pros, please, help me.
Hi there, If I were the reviewer, I would have done the same. The layout is very basic, typography is not good. I would say consider redesigning the whole template.
What do you mean in basic layout?
Hey, sorry if im late, well, what i noticed, you have used “MontserratUltraLight” font which looks bad on my browser & i dont know why are you using the streched lines between any section title and why those lines between CONTACT US thin than What We Do for example on services.html page, make some spacing between each section
BTW im not designer i told u what i see, good luck