My First project was Rejected, Help me to find the reason

Hello all,
This is my project

This is what envato team says

Thank you for your submission. We have completed our review of “Delivery service Promo” and unfortunately we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward, and you won’t be able to re-submit this item again.

Here is the comment from your Envato Quality team reviewer:

Thank you for taking the time to submit your item. Unfortunately this item does not meet our quality requirements and cannot be accepted at this time.

The item does not meet our minimum design, animation, and technical requirements. We strive to accept professional quality projects, and unfortunately this submission doesn’t quite meet that criteria.

When reviewing projects, in addition to overall quality of design and execution, we take into consideration the flexibility, usefulness, appeal to a broader audience and broadcast readiness of the file. Unfortunately we don’t feel as though this project meets the standards we have set for these criteria.

We look forward to seeing more of your work.

Hi. In my opinion, everything happens too fast, it´s difficult to see all the 3D details animated. The moving truck turns abruptly in a perfect 90 degrees angle, it should turn smoothly when taking the corner, more like a curve, not like an angle vertex. The texture in the background doesn´t go very well with the rest of the animation, at least that´s the way it looks to me.
Well, keep working and don´t give up! :+1:

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Yeah, I agree with you the project overall is a bit fast, but I think it’s not that bad.
Actually, when I applied the External Compositing Tag on the track I couldn’t be able to track it correctly on the curvy line , that’s why I changed it to linear angled line, in order to track the logo on it perfectly.
The texture of the background was not that good, yeah that’s right.

Anyway, I will try to avoid those things in my next project and please let me know if you have any other advice to me, I already have a look on your profile and I notice that you are really professional.

I really appreciate your help.
Thank you so much

You need to improve the technical finish of the animation. They are very important as you start and as you finish, I think in the end the animation is very forced. The idea is excellent, but the details need to be improved.
