Revealing the most popular items of 2023!
Every year, we like to look back at the items our Authors published to discover the most popular items in each category.
These items were licensed the most by Elements customers, or had the most Market sales. They reflect the type of projects our customers were working on in 2023, as well as the top content trends.
This year, you can see the trends that impacted customer behaviors such as the rise of AI, increasing demand for diversity in stock content, and bold neo-brutalist fonts.
Importantly, we want to celebrate and acknowledge the work of the Authors who created these items. Well done! Customers loved your work this year, and so did we.
Please take some time to have a look at the top items of the year, and send some congratulations to the Authors listed below who created them.
Plus, an extra special shoutout goes to @Ocvembor, who created the most popular presentation template on Elements AND Market!
Authors who created our most popular items
Most Popular Creative Stock Items on Elements
@Nick_Chvalun @cleanmindsounds, @UnicDesign, @Ocvembor, @VidEst, @drizy @CCpreset, and @jm_video
Most Popular Web and Code Items on Elements
@loopus, @themexriver, @oxaart, @Marino-Theme, @themepixels, @laralink, and @Marketking_Agency
Most Popular Creative Stock Items on Market
@motioncan, @Cream-FX, @ihsandincer, @Ocvembor, @sreda, and @JessGraphics
Most Popular Web and Code Items on Market
@Berkine, @Themovation, @sbthemes, @crowdyTheme, and @inilabs.