I’m looking for this template http://fashionnova.com/ , I’ve looked into the website everywhere but could not find it.
Much appreciated,
I’m looking for this template http://fashionnova.com/ , I’ve looked into the website everywhere but could not find it.
Much appreciated,
Look same this item: https://themeforest.net/item/basel-responsive-ecommerce-shopify-theme/20475144
That’s is different from the site I’ve posted, I’m looking for that one exactly. Essentially the home page and product page, with big images and showing two at a time, plus tabs(desc,shipping) on the right side of the image.
If you find it I gonna buy now.
Thank you,
It’s custom theme so it can not same with any theme from Envato
How much would you charge to custom like that?
So sorry I not offer any job Just recommend to you
Hi @rafa0817
Your reference site is build on Shopify platform. I don’t think similar theme is available for WordPress. I can build a custom one for you. You can contact me on my Envato Studio profile.
Best Regards
Simrandeep Singh
@rafa0817, please try our theme https://themeforest.net/item/claue-clean-minimal-woocommerce-theme/18929281
If you are after literally a clone (it’s not a template) then you can see if you could find someone at www.studio.envato.com but this is going to be well into the thousands of $