Hello All,
I currently have a Movies, and TV-Show Wordpress website. Which I purchased from ThemeForest (Blockter Theme) Which allows me to list Movies and TV-Shows, with that listing official Trailer, plot, Cast, and the option for the User to add to watchlist etc etc.
Sadly, the Theme doesn’t allow me to add posts, which let me list Movies or Shows what are already added to my website, for example, if i want to add Movies, or Shows which are due for release this month, I have to add the Movie title, a short description, then just a simple link to that listed Movie, which is aleady listed to my website. Like the following link: https://insomniacs.website/new-returning-tv-series-august-2019/
I am looking for a Plugin, which allows me to add them in a better looking format, which will possibly show the thumbnail (Featured Image) to the Movie or show post, with maybe a ‘Read More’ or an option to click the thumbnail to direct them to that Movie listing, which I have already listed on my website. If that makes sense?
I know I can hire a freelancer, but wanted to check on here, if anyone knows of a Plugin, which could help me, to list the Movies, or Shows into Posts.
Any help, or advise, would be very greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks.
Do you mean you would like to list your movies within a single post in a better way?
Visual Composer is included, there must be some flexibility to achieve displaying content even within a single post.
And you can contact the author if needed on the comments page of the theme itself.
Hi there,
Yes, that’s exactly what I am looking for. I have contacted the Theme Developer. And have looked at the Visual Composer. Which has a list Movie element. But it only allows you to add Movies, and also shows all Genre’s, Collections, and so on… So I’m not sure what the best way is to list Movies and Shows into one post. When I want to add most popular Movies/Shows this week, and so on…
I can list Movies and Shows via the link, in edit post option. But that only allows me to add the link and text. Would be awesome, if I could somehow add the link, and it show the listed Movie or Show featured image. But can’t find a plugin, or anything that does this anywhere.
Sorry, if i didn’t explain things in better context. I’ve been looking for 4 days now, for a way to solve this issue, as I make a lot of posts, which have Netflix Movies of the month, Amazon, In Theatre and so on. So it would be really beneficial, if there was a way t do this.
The only other option, is to hire a Freelancer, to somehow make this option possible on my site, which I was hoping to avoid, as my website is all free of charge, and generates no income at all.
Thank-You, for taking the time to get back to me, I really appreciate it.
And has he already responded?