Looking for item description psd

Most of the best selling items here use an image for their product description. I am looking for a psd that can help me achieve such. I have searched the graphic river to no avail. Any body has a link.

I don’t think you’ll find such thing. I think you’ve to create it on your own according to your product. You can find tons of product & devices mock-ups online, which you can use for free. I do it for my themes too.

Ok. Thanks.
Was looking to save time.

Believe me, it’s worth all the hard work. A good product description is as important as the product itself. So, you should spend some time to make it attractive and informative about your product.

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we help you out for this.
contact us: webstrot@gmail.com
skype : webstrot

u are right however , despite description being very important , getting to catch people’s attention visually is even more important again, at leafs as much , as , no matter what, lots of other guys have solid descriptions and so on and that’s hard to get in page one of search engine result anyway …