Looking for a good looking Product description for WooCommerce WordPress

This is very much doable using Elementor but if you have a developer onboard then why do they just not customise the native description page in the theme you have?

They did it but it didn’t work out.

To avoid any confusion, it’s important to remind you that I don’t have a generic WordPress theme.

My theme is WordPress Ecommerce theme based on the Woocommerce plugin.

As I mentioned before in previus comment in forum as standard Woocommerce don’t have product customization description all they have is just to put the text and the standard description.

What I’m looking for is exactly as shown on this good-looking website newegg.com.

When you are on this page, scroll down and click on the Overview tab, and you will see the super good-looking description. That’s exactly what I want on my website.

As you can see in the overview, they put text, photos and a photo gallery.

Please see this link and go to overview:

Seagate FireCuda ST4000DX005 4TB 7200 RPM 256MB Cache SATA 6.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal HDD Bare Drive - Newegg.com

That’s the point - forget Elementor etc…

if you have a developer then why can they just not edit the original code if the item description page so that it looks like what you want?

The theme is completely irrelevant if a developer is customising the item page to your instruction.

Purely out of interest - is this an envato theme?

Do you have a real and consistent solution to this issue?

Yes, it’s an Envato theme.

I don’t have a developer anymore.

Now I’m on my own way, now looking for a solution to this issue.

While having your developer customise the page for you is 110% the right way to go, alternatively these links outline exactly how to do it using jet pack, Elementor or other plugins.

How to Edit & Customize Your WooCommerce Product Pages.

What theme is it?

Have you tried asking the author?

Contact @ki-themes as above - this is really not that hard to do and he will definitely be able to do it if he has the time to freelance

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It’s not that hard to achieve, I was able to make it work with just 17 lines of code. You can render any Elementor template with it - System tray overflow window.

add_filter('woocommerce_product_tabs', 'custom_woocommerce_product_description_tab', 98);
function custom_woocommerce_product_description_tab($tabs) {
    if (isset($tabs['description'])) {
        // Change the title of the tab (optional)
        $tabs['description']['title'] = __('Custom Description', 'textdomain');

        // Filter the content of the tab
        $tabs['description']['callback'] = 'custom_woocommerce_product_description_content';

    return $tabs;

// Custom callback function to filter the content
function custom_woocommerce_product_description_content() {
	if ( did_action( 'elementor/loaded' ) ) {
		echo \Elementor\Plugin::instance()->frontend->get_builder_content_for_display(780);

If you need any help with this, send me a DM or contact via my TF profile.

Thank you for the information, I appreciate it.
I will check it out.

It’s actually even easier. Go to Elementor > Settings > General > Post Types and check the box for Products, then save your changes. After that, you’ll be able to edit the description tab with Elementor.

I followed your instructions but it’s not working.

Please post a screenshot because using only text it doesn’t make sense.

If you are sure this works fine then show me a proof, a video, website or something that I can see.

I’m not joking, this is not working.

Here is the screenshot from the Google.

And here is my own test, make sure that you can click Edit With Elementor from withing the product.

There are tons of articles about it, and if it’s not working then something is wrong with your WordPress setup (hosting, theme, or plugins). I just tested it and it works without any issues. I have latest WordPress, Elementor and WordPress setup.