Looking for a Fitness/Health template with ability to create custom training and diet programs

Hi all,

I am looking for a template where the admin/trainer can create training and diet programs and assign them to clients who in turn can access these programs in their own space.

Any ideas? TY

Which CMS your would prefer to configure the site… would like to help further.

TY for replying :slight_smile:
I am using WordPress. Is that what you are referring to?

You won’t find that out of the box but there are plugins like Fitness Trainer- Training Membership Plugin by e-plugins | CodeCanyon which could be integrated with other themes to help achieve it.

If you want to work with a freelancer then I suggest looking at www.studio.envato.com who are vetted providers and where you get protection from envato

I did come across the Fitness trainer plugin and thought that could be it. Since you also mention it I think that’s what I will end up going for.

Thank you so much!

The freelancers from the studio would make a custom plugin? Is that what they are for?

They can be hired to do whatever you need.

A custom plugin is going to be big money, but you might find that you need support even to integrate the existing one properly or make customisation

Got it! Thx a lot for all your help :slight_smile: