(Locked) OsClass Premium Themes

OSClass is great open source application for classifieds website. Why Doesn’t sell OSClass Themes on Themeforest? who is interested in OSClass?

probably not that many people, not sure theres enough user base to be worth creating a custom theme for aka won’t convert to $$ that other CMS will

I don’t know how many people are interested, but in the forums seems to be quite a lot of people interested.

OSClass project began in early 2011. but December 2011, sourceforge community team listed OsClass as one of 25 fastest growing projects. I have installed OSClass. it’s familiar with Wordpress. I think people would love it.! :slight_smile:

If there are many people interested in themes and popularity of this system is growing, they need to create own marketplace. Like concrete5, tumblr ond others.

If any ones interested i am starting up a osclass theme and plugin market place

Here is my market place but i haven’t had any developers sign up yet

I’m interesting in osclas themes too!

Is os class and wordpress is same…?

No, although it is developed by the same team are completely different projects.

Themico said

If there are many people interested in themes and popularity of this system is growing, they need to create own marketplace. Like concrete5, tumblr ond others.

You have for this CMS → Other

i like osclass its perfect for any projects.

need more premium themes

I too waiting for os class theme

I’m developing a theme for osclass and I’m wondering when ThemeForrest will create a much needed marketplace for this now better then ever product.

If you develop a theme for osclass, i am ready to buy or send a proposal to jessykumar[at] gmail dot com.

bayareawebpro said

I’m developing a theme for osclass and I’m wondering when ThemeForrest will create a much needed marketplace for this now better then ever product.

I am also looking for someone to develop a responsive theme for my Osclass website. Please contact me.

bayareawebpro said

I’m developing a theme for osclass and I’m wondering when ThemeForrest will create a much needed marketplace for this now better then ever product.

Can you please contact me a stambouli@gmail.com, I’m in need of someone savvy in OSClass to create a theme for me. It’s already designed, I just need someone to implement design into template…