Introducing Hichame Assi, Envato’s new CEO! 🎉

Congrats and welcome Hichame, all the best for this new adventure and look forward to seeing you work your magic in the next chapter of Envato where so much greatness was achieved with Collis so far. I believe that they have chosen wisely for the next run… no pressure :slight_smile: haha


Welcome to Envato family @hichameassi! Wish you all the best! :innocent:

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Congratulations and Welcome @hichameassi

Willkommen, bienvenue, welcome!


Thank You @collis for this great and successful experience!
Hello and Congrats @hichameassi and welcome to community!

Congratulations @hichameassi!! Welcome to the community :slight_smile: Of course thank you @collis for making Envato what it is today, and for empowering us in creating our businesses! Really looking forward to see how it will continue to evolve! :slight_smile:

Congratulations @hichameassi!!!
Wish you all the very best!!! :clap: :clap: :clap:

Welcome to the community, Hichame! Congratulations! I wish you all the best!

Thank You @collis for this successful experience! Thank you for making Envato what it is today!

Congratulations @collis :tada: and welcome @hichameassi :wave: ! Wish you all the best! :innocent:

welcome to global community

Congratulation & welcome @Hichame.

Welcome @hichameassi to the Envato community !

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:blush: Just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone for making @hichameassi feel so welcome! You’re all in great hands with his leadership, and I’m looking forward to popping in to the forums as a regular community member now! I just have to get busy making something to sell (I still haven’t hit elite author yet!)