Attention Videohivers - Felt Tips' Webinar

Hi Videohivers…

The official announcement is a little tucked away in the forums, so I thought I’d mention it here… I’m holding one of the Envato Masterclass webinars on Friday… It’s about creative strategies in an over-crowded marketplace.

You can sign up here…

If you’re in central Europe, it’s at 9am.

If you’re in the UK, it’s at 7am (sorry)

If you’re in New York, it’s at 3am (double sorry)

If you’re on the west coast you might be able to stay up really late and catch it at midnight.

Hope you can make it.


I’ll do my best to attend this webinar, I’m so excited!
Are we going to see your face? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :laughing:
I saw this image in an article a couple of months ago, that article was about moderators and as I remember, this image is yours, but it seems like that article was removed, so I can’t be 100% sure.
(finding this image again is a miracle :laughing: )



I am looking forward to attending. :hourglass_flowing_sand:
I’m organizing to keep him. Thanks for all friend, my best wishes!! :wink:

Will it be recorded to watch for later ??? @felt_tips


But if you come, you can ask questions :smile:

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