This is great for authors because it will eventually widen up our target audience beyond only those who are familiar with After Effects. Unfortunately I’m on Android so can’t test the app, but it looks great in the pictures
Any estimation when this may open up to all authors (for submitting templates)?
Don’t try something you failed at… marketplaces are falling apart. You never show up on taxes, review issues zillion forum topics, and yet you still waste your time building ios apps and believing you can finally change something on marketplaces…
Wohoo, this is a really great initiative. Very, very well done to the team involved. It is really the way to move forward in my opinion Since this opens up the market to the world. Really looking forward for it to be open to all the community, although obviously this will be a long process, but from what I see it looks great!
Eventually will this be similar to envato studio, only available to a number of hand-picked authors? Or are you looking into incorporating most of the templates already available?
Great Idea!. It is wise to open to the apps market and no professional users. Would be super cool the option to sell music for a cheap price for personal/family purpose.
Great app!
This is the thing that videohive is missing. Clients would choose to buy a whole template, or to create a video using a web version of this app.
Downloaded it already. Looks like a great app! Also, looks like you’re using AudioJungle tracks. How do we submit our own AJ tracks to be used in the app? Thanks!
And how does the lincense is works with those templates that are included in the app? Do they get % commission from every sale? How were they selected to be in the app?
@AmigoProductions - For now, we are focussing on the iOS version while we hone and test this concept. A vocal bunch of us in the Envato office using Android devices have also requested this.
As for authors and templates, for now we are working with a small pool of authors to again, test and hone this concept. I don’t have any information around when we may open this up for additional authors at this stage.
@NeuronFX - Thanks for the feedback and support! See above with regards to templates/authors.
@PhilLarson - Thanks for the feedback! Yes, the music in the app is from AudioJungle and features just a small pool of authors at this stage while we test. As with video templates, we would like to open this up to more authors, but will need to allow this in good time.
@cyzer - Our aim is that this app will allow VideoHive authors to gain additional sales from a different set of buyers than they would normally. That is, users/buyers who are looking for simple to edit videos for personal or business use.
@Wesual - Licensing and commissions are still being worked out and we will be using this initial testing time to gather learnings and formulate these to finalize them.
Thanks again for all the feedback and support so far. Have a great day!