Install a premium WordPress theme

Hello everyone,

I have

I downloaded a theme (Architeca – Just another Template Kits by Jegtheme site) and I extracted the file. There are four types of files: manifest.json, help.html, templates (folder), and screenshots (folder).

First, I tried to upload all of the zip folders. Then, I unzipped the files and zipped the four folders above. After that, I attempted to zip and upload the template folder. I received the following error message on all three attempts. Please review the attached files for your reference

Installing theme from uploaded file:
Unpacking the package…
Installing the theme…
The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.
Theme installation failed.
Please, somebody help me out of it.


Check here

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Hi Charlie,
I went through the link. I could not understand it properly. The theme zip folder that was downloaded does not exist.
Also, how do I install the template kit? Is it a plugin? Please download the template that I downloaded to understand where I am stuck.


This is how to install a template kit

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Hi Charlie,

Thank you so much for the information. I could solve 80% of the issues. I hope I can successfully finish it soon.

Thank you once again!

Best regards.