Impreza - Theme - page scrolls

Some of our web page visitors have problems with scrolling the page with the mouse wheel.
If using the Mouse wheel (even a little) the page scrolls all the way to the top or bottom of the pages.
One user contacted me and said, that he is using Windows 10 and 7, Google chrome, Logitech Smooth Scrolling 6.65.62 mouse installed and he said this is only happens on our page ( on his computers.
I have installed 'Page Scroller" and set it to 1000 and 600px, but still the same.

I can’t replicate the problem on any of my computers, I tried on 6 different computers.

How can I fix this problem?


If you have problems with your purchased item, I strongly recommend you to contact the author for bugfix support. In this case to reach the author of Impreza theme please access this url:

Have an wonderful day!

Just verify in ( Ultimate Addons Settings > Smooth Scroll ), if the Smooth Scroll is disabled.
You must disable the smooth scroll if you want to scrolling the page with the mouse wheel.