Hi all. This is an update on the rollout of our new payment system for Elements Authors, and the impact this rollout will have on those Authors currently residing in Russia and Belarus.
Thousands of Elements Authors have already transitioned to the new system and have been providing valuable feedback along the way - thank you to all those who’ve provided feedback over the last few months. We’re very positive about the new system, which provides more payout methods, more control over how you are paid, and the option to receive payment in your local currency.
As we prepare to onboard more Authors to our new payment system, we thought it timely to let our community know that if you haven’t already transitioned to the new system, please expect an email from us shortly with more information. We will be in contact as we continue a phased rollout over the next three months.
We also need to advise that as part of changing to the new system, and due to the evolving nature of international payment policies for e-commerce businesses, we must now operate under tighter restrictions for payments to some countries. In particular, this means that as Authors are moved onto the new platform, we will no longer have the ability to pay any Authors if they reside in Russia or Belarus.
We appreciate that this is not good news for authors located in these countries. As payment providers continue to restrict services to these countries, it has become increasingly difficult for us to facilitate payments to these areas.
Please be aware that this transition to a new payment partner and system currently applies only to Elements Authors. We expect to transition Market Authors to the new payment system later this year, but until that happens those Authors will continue to use the existing payment system. Please be advised that we cannot facilitate Elements payments through the existing Market system.
Update: From June 2023, our new payment provider is also unable to pay Authors based in Afghanistan, Sudan, or Libya.
If you have questions about the payment system rollout, please post them here. I’ll try to answer questions in this thread where possible, but we may need to provide some information in private Author Support tickets - if that’s the case, we’ll let you know.