I'm trying to buy a video I can't find

I have two videos I need to find. I can’t find the original website page to buy the proper download, instead of the watermarked download. Any tips on how to find the original page is much appreciated.


Here’s the link on Elements: https://elements.envato.com/forest-3M3S7UQ?irgwc=1&clickid=SCmXlW3PwxyOUBuwUx0Mo38VUkiVHhyoKxjIRs0&iradid=523004&irpid=77643&iradtype=BANNER&irmptype=mediapartner&mp_value1=&utm_campaign=af_impact_radius_77643&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=impact_radius
Sorry, I couldn’t find the second one. :slightly_frowning_face:

It’s not the same video/ Here’s the same video: