if anyone havent any card like credit card or debit card ,he can pay through bank ?

I haven’t any card, PayPal is not working in our country , unfortunately, I haven’t a visa card. can I buy a theme from ThemeForest by transferring money through a bank account


This is Envato Market Payment Method

Still any question open a help ticket they would like to assist you with an official answer.


i can,t make transition directly from my account to buy a theme?

This is Envato market payment system that. I have told i think you know that now!
If you want you can get help from Envato Support team but you must have to Credit Card or other accepted payment method.

Envato Market provides three payment methods, PayPal, Skrill (for non US customers only) and credit cards (Visa or Mastercard), to make purchases. This article details some of the most common issues relating to the use of PayPal and credit cards on Envato Market.