That’s a good idea. This would make the search for buyers and the work of authors more comfortable.
I think this is the right poll. But I do not think (not believe!) that someone will be engaged in it.(based on previously proposed topics that were left unattended)
Hi there OP, l’m not being personal okay … but l think the questionnaire is a fail because:
- Questionnaires are a real drag, but even l occasionally fill them in when l really like a company. Most people won’t care. I once spent literally a year designing a questionnaire and an opt-in mailing list l made myself. I contacted about 200 businesses via eMail and phone having already been assured it’s okay to speak.
Not a single company replied to the questionnaire apart from one or two prevaricating, and one taking time to write and tell me he will not help me.
It looks feeble that the boss can create a business, maybe even trailblaze an industry, and not know the worth of his stock, & even asking his customers how to figure out his bottom line.
Also, this is the Arts, this debate is old as the hills, do you really need a questionnaire for this? It should be part of one’s vernacular already.
I’ve explained my reasoning rather than being arrogant, l must admit l’m a bit jealous that l catch a beating for my ideas and this questionnaire idea gets all the likes? Well, l better keep a low profile and make music.
Yes! Great idea!
Great idea. I support this idea.