I'm looking for a thread "Easy Quality Descriptions for Everyone"

Question is in the topic, I’ve searched but cannot find this thread. Anyone know where it might be?

I had a soft reject for the reason "You are not allowed to list keywords in the description, as per our requirements. Please improve your description accordingly and press ‘Save Changes’. See this post for help - Envato Forums

This link doesn’t lead to any posting at least which I can see. I’m not entirely clear what they mean by “Keywords in Description”. Isn’t it common to list words that describe your track in the description area?

No - write a short summary of what the item is and if you wanted to expand on this how it could possibly be used. Just listing keywords could be seen as gaming the system since the search engine looks for relevant tracks based on buyers choice of search filters, (I could be wrong on this).

Do your research and look to see what others do for item description.


Would you agree that dropping track prices down to $5 could be seen as “gaming the system”?

Initially yes when ADP was introduced and authors thought that this was a great tactic to sell more. Now the very existence of AJ is under threat as Envato promotes this by advertising the “Hot Under…” on the landing page as authors jump at the chance of making sales rather than make money. I have tried the $5 but really does not generate sales or revenue and in response to the great Christmas Track Giveaway I too have dumped prices, again without much success. I should try a range of methods adopted by some, perhaps I may strike lucky - I doubt it.
Being at the Elite status, a $5 dollar price would bring me $0.87 whilst the rest goes to Envato. I dread to think how much authors not at the top commission rate get per sale if they sell at $5.