I need your help, my first html template has been rejected

I need your help, my first html template has been rejected and I won’t be able to re-submit this item again.

I need your help to understand why this item has been rejected and what is the solution to correct this item and thank you


Hello madinasweet

Firstly I have not sold on Themeforest so at least you have tried :slight_smile: If I had to guess, looking at your template then my comments for a possible rejection would be as follows:

  1. Poor spelling and grammar;
  2. Your icons under the section “Our Services” do not work on Firefox - I assume they are not loading correctly;
  3. Your portfolio images are not links to larger size images so that is an issue;
  4. Latest News - what’s the point in having links to latest news items on a one page template???
  5. The footer looks basic and not properly formatted.

Sorry but you would need to create a better theme that comes up to a higher standard than what you have submitted.

Basically everything @123Simples already pointed out (icons do not work on Safari either BTW). Generally, it doesn’t look premium. Right now it looks just like a decent free template (when I ignore mentioned issues).
Also, try to come up with something more unique, this type of templates is just way too overdone. This is the most generic template layout ever.

Another author and template name written throughout the code - always raises questions!