I Need feedback my themes adobe muse

Hi to all:

Demo: http://jeriithemes.tk/AleSmith/

I need check my theme of adobe muse for sell in themeforest, If my themes wrong please help me fix better my themes, thanks.

Before of submit my themes TF please URGENT help me, all not are bad with me :relieved:

anyone help me?

pleaseeeeeeeeee help meeeeee

Buenas dias!! Que tal!!!.. Bueno yo lo veo su citio y entonces estoy escribiendo algunas notitas de su diseno! Hiciste muy bien en su comienzo! pero I una necesidad de hacer algunas adjustes en su diseno para ser aceptadoā€¦ Perdon yo no sabia que habla espanol, porque todos los notas abajo fueron escrito en inglesā€¦ Sin embargo en mi siguiente repaso voy hacer todos mis notas en espanol :slightly_smiling:


Hiā€¦I am looking at your site and will go ahead and send a response back shortlyā€¦I like the direction that you are goingā€¦ There are perhaps some things that I noticed that can be addressed:

  1. The menu bar seems to move from the top and is below your ā€œhero imageā€ perhaps you could anchor it up at the top
  2. Image that is used where it say " Hi my name is ā€œAleā€ perhaps you could use a higher quality imageā€¦ it seems to have some white space of where the image was taken from and perhaps on the modification of the image the white space was not taken outā€¦
  3. the ā€œDownload Resumeā€ is not centered on the button
  4. Perhaps where ā€œMy latest workā€, ā€œSevicesā€ and the rest can be highlighted with a different font or some type of treatment to the typography
  5. The footer can use a little more breathing room and perhaps some additional information to accentuate the site moreā€¦

These are some of the things that I noticed after a cursory look at the siteā€¦but I will try and take a more detailed look at the site and send you my added observation(s) if you would likeā€¦

Nonetheless it is a great start!!


Muchas gracias amigo :slightly_smiling:

pero mi ingles no es bueno, pero yo estaba esperando hace 1 dia nadie me ayudan yo creo que ellos no me entiendenā€¦

Yo te haga casos tus mensajes pero ahora voy a arreglar y enviar TF

Un saludo y Feliz AƱo Nuevo :slightly_smiling:

Thank you very much friend :slightly_smiling:

but my English is not good, but I was hoping nobody 1 day ago help me I think they do not understand me ā€¦

I will make your message cases but now I will arrange and send TF

Greetings and Happy New Year :slightly_smiling:

No hay problemaā€¦ Lo que quireo hacer es hacer una repaso de su trabajo y hacer algunas nuevos disenos para ti en photoshop para hacer una comparasion y desde ahi usted puede hacer lo que quiere hacerā€¦ :slightly_smiling:


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Which browser software do you use?
Chrome I use Windows 10 is looking perfect.
I need to contact you by mail, you have it?

QuƩ programa de navegador usas?
Yo uso chorme de windows 10 se ve parece perfecto.
Necesito un contacto contigo por correo, lo tienes?

bueno puede hacer una correo electronico por medio de Themeforest.netā€¦


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PerdĆ³n tienes razĆ³n, te voy a enviar tu usuario de TF

Sorry youā€™re right, Iā€™ll send your user TF

esta bienā€¦

Holaā€¦ I took a look at your site and started to take a look at it from a different perspectiveā€¦ Not sure if this is your style or not but from what you submittedā€¦ I made something with similar elements from what you createdā€¦ Itā€™s VERY ROUGH but if you want to use it to develop your own material then I can send you the PSD fileā€¦ I just spent a few hours on so itā€™s not refined at allā€¦ Itā€™s my interpretation of what could possibly be done with material from the site that you submitted that was not approvedā€¦


Then I can remove my submit adobe muse in Themeforest?

Noā€¦ This is only an ideaā€¦ nothing moreā€¦If you want to use it to develop further your own work then I would be happy to send the PSD to you so that you can further develop on your ownā€¦ Just doing a favor since you were asking on the boards about your design and what could be done with the one that was rejectedā€¦ This is just my take on your fileā€¦ This is by no means complete or close to thatā€¦ itā€™s just an ideaā€¦



Ok but I make now .psd other templates.


Much successā€¦



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