I have accidentally created two accounts how do I merge them?

I have accidentally created two accounts how do I merge them?

Please contact http://help.market.envato.com

but i dont think account merge is possible.

That link goes nowhere. Are you sure you entered it correctly?

For me it goes to the support centre with the option to open a ticket at the bottom of the page.

Works for me

Try Envato Help & Support Center

FYI it’s v rare for envato to allow merging accounts


For me the link is not getting redirected

It just opens this url https://forums.envato.com/clicks/track?url=https%3A%2F%2Fhelp.market.envato.com%2Fhc%2Fen-us%2Frequests%2Fnew%3Fticket_form_id%3D37840%26_ga%3D2.123067208.253674192.1505059063-531477242.1500252817&post_id=428220&topic_id=127679

Try it again please

Now it works

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