I did not get any notification?

Hi recently i uploaded my html project but i did not get any email notification about my project it is successfully accept or reject.

can you see your uploaded item in your Dashboard? If yes then your item not reviewed till now.

If can’t find then -

How will I know if my Item has been Soft or Hard Rejected?

At each stage of the review process, you will receive an email updating you on the status of your submission. The email will outline if the item has been Soft or Hard Rejected .

  • View the status of your submission via the email sent to you by the Quality Team.
  • If the email subject line contains “Needs Improvement”, your item has been Soft Rejected.
  • If the email subject line contains “Rejected”, your item has been Hard Rejected.

when i uploaded its showing on dashboard but today i check its not showing in my dashboard.

If you didn’t receive the Item review notification email (you should to check spam/junk as well), then check your email settings (Settings => Email Settings) in Envato market Dashboard Settings, is there a check mark for Item review notifications.

Sometimes email can go in spam, so need to check inbox, spam, junk as well.
