Hi there,
I do have an avada licence, and have seen that recently we need to register using the purchase code ; ok.
I was doing some test on a test site, and use the purchase code to update avada there.
Then I have set what I wanted on a new server and a new domain.
And I obviously wanted to register my avada theme.
The fact is that it asked me to unregister the other domain.
I have did it on the old domain, but I still can’t add my purchase code on the new one.
Now I have deleted my old site; and still can’t add my purchase code on the new one, it keeps telling me it is used elsewhere.
I’ve been crowling hours, trying to reinstall some various test-site version on various url but can’t unregister any anymore; which seems normal as I already unregistered once.
I’m stuck, so please theme forest, unregister my domain associated with avada so I could install it on my new domain
(this is getting me nuts after a day of re-install of test site, ssl, domains and I don’t even know what I’m doing anymore)