hi, I have uploaded one php project and want to sell that in theme forest, but its been 8 days over , till now I haven’t received any update , can I have the exact time and process it will take to approve then files
The review time varies based on numerous factors although 8 days for PHP seems long http://quality.market.envato.com/codecanyon
Are you sure it’s still in review?
Bear in mind there is a big difference between “review” and “approval”
Hi, Please check your dashboard right sidebar. Can you see your Item? What is the status there ( Queued for Review) or what can you see!
i am asking , how much time it will take to approve
If your Item maintain Quality standard and everything is fine then for php script can take to approve 5-20 days. It depends on volume queu of all submitted Authors Items. If your Item got soft reject then as soon as your Item will fix all focused issues (in soft reject email) your Item will approve. Thanks
If you want feedback whilst waiting for review then you can share your demo link here in the meantime