Hi i am a wordpress theme developer and new to Themeforest. i have developed a blog theme that i think is ready to be uploaded for themeforest approval but before i do that i need some help with the following questions, if anybody could answer them that would be a big thanks.
1- How do i integrate Automatic updates through Envato Market Plugin? i saw a question here that for automatic updates through Envato Market Plugin, i don’t have to do anything for it so is that true?
2- What is this Purchase code? and how do i integrate it in my theme? i saw an article on it here at envato market but couldn’t understand it very well could somebody explain it what it is and how do i integrate this in my theme?
3- I need help with developing the demo or live preview for my theme. many themes gives this live Customizer Options on the side and i was planning on using set_theme_mod() and update_option() to do this but i have no idea how to use these as well maybe use links as form submit buttons and run these functions but still clueless. can anyone guide me how to make demo or live previews for my themes?
Thanks if anybody could answer them it will means alot thank you