How do you integrate the Envato Market plugin?

I’d like to implement the envato market plugin (to provide updates for my plugins) but I can’t find any documentation or guide. Anyone has a good link?

Thank you.


You don’t need to integrate it into your item.

Envato Market Plugin, when installed as a separate plugin and activated on client’s website with the correct key, will know how to determine by itself the list of items that the buyer has purchased and it also knows how to detect version changes and when to push an update. notification.

I appreciate the reply.

Are you sure about that? For some reason this doesn’t seem to work with my plugin and I don’t know why. I do update the versions in the main plugin file.

Any idea why this could be?

Yes, I’m sure!

Some time ago, I also integrated the class-envato-market.php in one of my plugins, thinking that it’s the only way it works.

But now, if you look in the Envato Market plugin’s code, you’ll see in the latest version, that it checks updates automatically, checking via Envato API the purchases and the versions.

I am also a buyer of some ThemeForest themes. I use Envato Market on all the websites where those themes are installed and I’m always notified about updates in the WP admin dashboard. So I checked a couple of minutes ago, those theme do not contain any file from the Envato Market plugin.

Unfortunately, you have no method to test this your own plugin (because update checking via Envato Market works only with those items you have purchased…and Envato rules do not allow you to buy your own item)

Multumesc :slight_smile:

Thanks for checking. I have customers who have complained to me about this and I even logged in to their websites and my plugin does not appear while others do. Not sure why that could be but maybe there’s some versioning detail my plugin’s missing.

Does this look right to you?

 * Plugin Name:       B2BKing
 * Plugin URI:
 * Description:       B2BKing is the complete solution for turning WooCommerce into an enterprise-level B2B e-commerce platform.
 * Version:           1.8.8
 * Author:            WebWizards
 * Author URI:
 * Text Domain:       b2bking
 * Domain Path:       /languages
 * WC requires at least: 3.0.0
 * WC tested up to: 4.3.0

The header seems right, the version line also…

Have you found something meanwhile?
Maybe you could also check the WordPress debug log on your clients websites, to see if there is any error logged related to this…