hover effect on Portfolio thumbnails...BlackSilver wordpress theme


I am using the Word Press BlackSilver Theme from ThemeForest. Elementor is my editor.

As my Home Page I am using a PORTFOLIO Page . There are thumbnail images linked to

various Portfolio Posts on this Home Page. The thumbnails are actually the Featured Images on the linked to Portfolio pages. I love the Hover Effects used on these thumbnails: Slow Fade In with an overlay and the Title and Comments appear in white text.

I can manage to change the featured images and tried duplicating the hover effects with an Elementor Portfolio Widget…unsuccessfully. I am going crazy trying to edit the hover effects associated with the thumbnail images. Can anyone help me solve this issue….editing the hover effects of the thumbnail images?



You can view the page I am referring to on the Theme Forest/BlackSilver Demo page here: https://preview.themeforest.net/item/blacksilver-photography-theme-for-wordpress/full_screen_preview/23717875?_ga=2.76070684.861236492.1602968938-730269935.1597950227&_gac=1.15993796.1602968938.CjwKCAjwrKr8BRB_EiwA7eFapvFI-u3waYRVKWrWyiH4mXg4Zbh6seCosX88FV7RlIz5rbGF5TQorRoCoTYQAvD_BwE


You can get help from your purchase item author @imaginem right here as a comments

hope they will helped!