Houzez is not available

Good day. Until 10 minutes ago there was https://themeforest.net/item/houzez-real-estate-wordpress-theme/15752549?s_rank=36. Now I got “Houzez no longer available”. Possible? There is happeneed? Houzez is the best template. Thank you in advance.

It’s possible - the author may have chosen to remove it completely for good or just temporarily disabled it.

Thank You, Charlie. How I can contact the author? Just until 50 minutes ago the template was online.

Contact form bottom right https://themeforest.net/user/favethemes

I have the doubt mentioned in the subject.
Anybody has any idea?

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What about the support?, I bough it

I have news. Houzez is not available for mistake. It will back online asap.

Any update on this?

Has anyone been able to talk with the author or FaveThemes?

I haven’t been able to get a reply.

Today not yet. I sent a message in reply to the message of Yesterday, but until now no reply.

Did they say what happened? Or if they will still be supporting the Houzez theme?

I was going to buy but not available. then i heard Houzez WordPress Theme is down because of Copyright Act. What a sigh. God saved money and time.

@pierosbressa What email did you use to get in touch with them?

Why should you buy a theme which was just removed? Did you want to lost your money or what? This is very strange, because I do like Housez Theme, I bought the theme, but only if I supposed that it wasn’t going to be discontinued, instead you decided to buy it anyway. I thought that Envato, in their process, checked themes, because otherwise I don’t understand where is the most value. actually I could sell eBay theme and they let me sell or I could sell the most original theme and anyone can send a DMCA notice and they don’t check if code is the same or not.
You can’t know when it’s going to be online again because they received a DMCA notice from InspiryThemes.
Also if InspiryThemes “Real Homes” theme is different from Housez (looking at code, because if we talk about style all themes are clones of something else), Envato could decide to remove Housez forever because they look at revenue and Real Homes sell a lot.

i agree with @stefanomaxis. Its a waste of money if i can’t get support and updates. And if favethemes actually did this, its a 2 sided crime. First with code/design theft and second with all other customers who bought this theme for good. I could be one if i had decided to purchase it earlier.

I don’t know if Favthemes copied, I can say it’s based on VisualCompossr while the other one isn’t also if it works with VC for homepages.
The point is that Envato must to protect buyers from this kind of things. They can’t do nothing if a developer stop to work, but they must to check what they sell, they can’t say we don’t watch code because they sell code.
So Envato, look at their code or remove any other real estate themes because they copied from Airbnb (Listify for example, which I’ve bought as well).

For those looking to buy it off envato - that’s the choice but if it was taken down for copyright then it’s prob not wise to buy until that has been rectified.

If you buy it direct from the author then you have zero protection or access to updates etc. Unless the author chooses to privately support it.

As far as envato protecting buyers - the latest changes to offer 6 months support and lifetime updates for free was a big step in the right direction.

While I am 110% against people ripping others work, realistically there’s only so much envato can do to double check in a marketplace with millions of files and tens if not hundreds of thousands of submissions every month.

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What about the buyer protection if seller delet the theme after that we buy it ?

I don’t know what is happening regarding Houzez and Envato, HOWEVER, I registered with Favthemes, gave my Houzez purchase code from Envato and received the update and support, so it seems that they are still honouring their sales made through Envato. I hope the situation will be resolved, but it is good to know that those of us who have bought the theme through Envato are being supported - this is good for Envato and Favthemes too - no reason to be too concerned!

As far as I know (you’d need to ask envato for an official answer) if it’s wwhin the first 6 months then an author is expected to continue supporting it or you could request a refund.

If it’s outside of that support period then there would not be much they can do. The lifetime of updates etc. Is only for the lifetime of the file and while it is live on envatos marketplace (again in the initial 6 months may be different).

Houzez theme backed on Envato and available for sale https://themeforest.net/item/houzez-real-estate-wordpress-theme/15752549

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