Help with importing fonts in html template

Hey there !,
I’m creating html template and I will upload it to themeforest,
I’m importing online fonts from (Google Fonts) to my template,
so I want to know if its okay for themeforest standards ? or should I download the fonts locally to the template ?

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yes, you can import google fonts and everyone use this technique for google font.

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thank you @mgscoder for your help,
I just wanted to know because I read that I should provide full offline template for users who may not have internet access when there are using my template

yes template should run offline/localhost but font you can import using google font. please import font in your css file not in html file. Good Luck.

yes I’m Importing fonts in css file by (@import) statement,
thank you again for your quick response,
Happy New Year :slight_smile:

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