Help upgrading Salient

I have the plugin Envato Market and under Themes I do see Salient with the “Update Available” link. When I click the link, it says “Updating” but it never seems to actually update.

Any advice?



Take a look on this page hope you will find your solution



When I try to do download and upgrade without the plugin I keep getting the following message when I click on Add New in the Appearance/Themes section:

“Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute.”

That has been there for days.

Is that helpful for you?

Or you can contact with your item author @ThemeNectar

We have Salient theme running version 4.0.3 and WordPress 4.9.6.

We want to update theme to version 10 and WordPress to version 5.2.

Given this major update, what is the best way to do so without causing any content issues? If it is of any consequence someone also installed and used Elementor.
