Help me about WordPress Page template and Visual Composer

Hello WordPress Lovers,
I don’t want to use Visual Composer to my theme.
If I create Page Templates for different pages,Like for Home page there will be a page template called Homepage, For about page there will be a page template called about page etc and then upload it to TF will it be approve on TF?

Waiting for your valuable information.


Hi @BeyondTheme,

Absolutely, not everyone is using Visual Composer anyway, sometimes the easier solution, the better. As long as your design meets aesthetic and technical standards, you’re good to go :slight_smile:

Take a look at this article for more info:


Thanks @lucalogos.
I also thought that.

Sooner or later you have to support Visual Composer :slight_smile:
A lot of authors haven’t used VC before (used WP Customizer, Site Origin & others…) but they have to support VC later since many users/agencies/buyers here have been using VC for a long time and ask if the theme support VC.
If you don’t support VC then you will lose not-just-a-few potential customers.
Some authors don’t use VC because they develop such an awesome & same customizable level; and hardly those buyers will switch to your theme.

@TheRubikThemes I support VC but for VC the theme become slight slow that’s why moving to meta box and customizer options