Help! can't upload theme


My first time setting up a website and I bought a theme from themeforest, when I clicked download I was given 4 options,

  1. all files & documentation
  2. Installable wordpress file only
  3. License certificate & purchase code(pdf)
  4. License certificate & purchase code(text)

I downloaded the first 2 and when I try to install no.1 this is what I get…
Unpacking the package…

Installing the theme…

The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.

Theme install failed.

Can anyone help please??

Install number 2 you wont this error again :slight_smile:

hi janxcode_team, I did install number 2 and it was fine but the theme is not showing up as it did when I was buying it, am I missing something else?

WordPress Theme Install

thanks for that but I’ve already done everything in that video, the theme option doesn’t include a demo, any ideas how I can get the theme to show like it was on the website when I bought it?

You should refer to the author.

Give the link I will look how to help you!

WordPress themes do not come fully loaded like the demo as HTML templates do.

Without a demo XML file or import you will have to go about setting the theme up and creating content for yourself.

It is quite rare for themes not to come with the demo content now - are you sure:

  1. You have read the documentation and it is not covered in there?

  2. Within the Opt 1 download you chose originally there is not a .XML file for the content?

Whats the theme name?

within opt 1 there is a zip file & I tried installing that separately but it said it already exists.
I haven’t read the documentation(I’ve never done this before), where would I find this?
thanks for your help!

thank you I’ve emailed the author, just have to wait for a reply :sweat_smile:

  • Unzip the ‘All files and documentation’ download

In here should be several files (hence why it wouldn’t install) including a copy of the theme folder and then also a documentation file/folder, maybe PSD, maybe XML file etc.

  • Open the documentation and it should cover how to import demo content in there

What is the theme name and we can see if there is a demo content listed in the description?

thanks so much for your help, I have found the documentation file and instructions for the demo, so this is the part I am stuck now!
(I’ve done step 1& step 2 and now i’m stuck again!)

How to import Travelo demo data

Step 1 – Install and activate these plugins before you proceed: Revolution Slider, MailChimp For WP and Contact Form.

Step 2 – Navigate to Tools > Import > Wordpress. If WordPress Import plugin is not installed you can see installation popup. Click Install Now button to install Wordpress Import plugin.

Step 3 – Follow the instruction to import demo data. It can take a few minutes to import everything. Please be patient and wait for it to complete. Once it loads, you will see a “Have fun” message.

This is what it’s telling me to do now, but i cant find a wxr(.xml) file.

Hi there! Upload your WordPress eXtended RSS (WXR) file and we’ll import the posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, and tags into this site.

Choose a WXR (.xml) file to upload, then click Upload file and import.

Choose a file from your computer:

That’s the right process - where are you up to? r.g. is plugin installed? Can you see where to choose the XML file?

SO once the plugin is installed and working follow the on screen instructions >>

  • choose the XML file (which I am assuming is in the download option 1 folder from earlier) >>

  • Make sure you select for it to import all images and content if you want it to look like the demo you saw before purchase

omg I actually found it and that’s what I’ve done, so its importing right now!

Otherwise check

Remember that once it is imported

  • you still need to configure the site e.g. select the right menu for each location, assign the front/home page, etc.

  • not all themes will include the images if they were using stock ones in the demo,

Good luck

thanks so much, really appreciate the help :slight_smile:

Boa tarde Charlie4282. Amigo estou com o mesmo problema e seguir todos os conselhos que li neste artigo e nada deu certo. Comprei o tema hoje Gostore, fiz toda instalação. baixei todos os plugins, ativei todos. Baixei o pluguins WIE e rodei e nada. O Tema tem OCDI, mas mesmo assim o demo do tema não sobe.
Achei um arquivo Wpxml.xml e subi esse arquivo, mas está dando erro.

Procurei o arquivo WXR nas pastas e naõ achei. Já não sei o que fazer. Paguei pelo template e não consigo instala-lo igual ao demo.

Pode ajudar por favor?