As explained on Envato page, it takes some days for review to be completed, it’s it’s way more than 2 days for new scripts. When you submitted a new item, there was a notification about review process and how long it may take. Did you ignore it?
9 days for PHP Scripts. You uploaded your script 2 days ago. So what exactly are you confused? 9 - 2 = 7
Want to know this in the head I have uploaded the script How many days is the process
It will come on the envato market
There’s no guarantee your item will get on the market. It must be reviewed by a reviewer who will determine if the item is high enough quality; he will decide whether or not to reject or accept your item.
You must wait patiently for this review to take place. There’s no guaranteed time. It can take a few days, or it can take a few weeks.