- I upload my first item on envato market [themeforest]. After that was waiting more than 3 weeks for feedback.
- In first place i was [Soft rejected] because of demo url (didn’t know because of fist time). After that i put demo url after few days.
And suddenly my item disappeared from profile [Hard rejected], without any reason. This is my first item and i’m a little disappointed.
Can you help me and tell me what’s wrong with my item [template] ?
Nebojsa Sapic
There are lot of Spaces and Typography issues.
Can you be more specific about Typography issues?
Also thank you for response!
I think you should visit in TF categories those are matching with you product category you will understand what TF require
With all due respect you are nowhere close to the standard for here.
The site is completely borken on mobile and the preview display bar cannot be removed (on any device)
The logo is far too basic
There are numerous issues with fundamentals including spacing, alignment, margins, hierarchy, styling, typography
Using trademarked logos is not allowed
The design itself lacks premium feel and needs serious modernisation
There needs to be more unique and premium quality elements and features, several pages incl. about feels very unfurnished.
Thank you for response.
I will do some serious changes to this template.
One more question is can you a little bit explain me this :
- There are numerous issues with fundamentals including spacing, alignment, margins, hierarchy, styling, typography
Whats wrong with this?
There’s too much to list but just a few:
nav alignment is wrong
product typography is completely different from other aspects - guessing its a plugin styled
perfect watch title is misaligned, spacing between title, copy, button needs work in spacing and alignment
maps on many different pages feels wrong
contact form is not aligned
and more…
Thank you! I will change some things, than repost here with new changes and your feedback if it is okay?
I create new template, from scratch. You can check it on this link :
I am rejected again, without reasons. Can you tell me this time, what is wrong with these template?
Thank you.