[Hard rejected] Cinematic titles template

Hello, my After Effects project https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCG6_nuzBu8 was rejected. Would be thankful for any possible idea why this happened.

The font is a bit basic, the text is too large, there’s not enough text for a title item and too much text for a logo sting item, the camera moves need a bit of work, I think the depth of field is maybe a bit extreme, the colours need a bit of work and the background should be separate from the individual scene comps… at the moment I’m guessing it’s a separate background in each scene comp, which is why there’s a noticeable ‘jump’ in the background in-between each text segment.

That’s my opinion anyway. Good start though!

You require lots of practice, look at top selling files, your work is very very basic.

Thanks for your replies, will work on my mistakes!