[Hard Reject] HTML on approved PSD design. Need your valuable opinions.


I recently submitted my HTML Template into Themeforest and unfortunately, I got ‘Hard reject’. I would like to know your honest opinions about my design.

This is my template: http://products.ictdl.co/demo/html/legalpro/

Actually, I tried my best and have no idea what to do next (except adding animations but I don’t think it will do much). And the design was taken from a PSD: https://themeforest.net/item/legalpro-psd-template-for-law-firm-lawyer-and-attorney-/17506732
Can you help me to make improvements and show errors in my template?
I would appreciate any comment. Thanks.

I think that bad colors the template, you need update psd change colors and also html but bad typography change other name fonts (psd and html also) good luck regards.

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thanks :slight_smile: now that knocks my mind.

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You did have explicit permission to convert the item right? Did you explain that to the reviewer?


@settembre a question… psd is you design or other author? if other author maybe permission, you need contact with other author and submit a ticket support envato as say @charlie4282

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yes, I purchased the license and gave the ticket id to the reviewer which the PSD author gave me.

no, the design ain’t mine. but I got the author’s permission and mentioned the ticket id while submitting.

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I think that you need buy license extended but no license regular :slight_smile:

oh, I didn’t know that. :pensive:
though I did pay the author for the permission.

If they gave permission then that should be ok.

The design is a bit outdated.

Mobile performance needs tidying up

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thanks, i will try to improve it.