good luck with sales

Hello! i wonder why, somebody would have to post the phrase “good luck with sales” on a new item…
I find it very stupid comment…
And i wonder if there is only I, that don’t like this comment…
Please stop writing the phrase “good luck with sales” in your comments…

Thanx a lot and sry for the spam…


hey george don’t worry. next time i found one item of yours interesting i swear i’m not going to write you anything.

anyway, my mother always said to me that if i have to say something negative, i’m supposed to give also valid reasons.



oh sorry, you asked why!

my reason: i like a lot that item and as there is not reason to be in competition with the designer, i wish him/her a lot of sales.

probably you don’t know the feeling but i assure you its really satisfying when someone appreciates your work.

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i appreciate any comment bad or good!
I just don’t like the phrase, not the people who wrote it.
Thanx anyway for your feedback…


I write it! As silenceplease said it’s not a competition, when I see a great file I want to wish good luck to the author. :slight_smile: We’re like a family here! :wink:

Why don’t you like it?

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np, but i still don’t get the reason of your post. i would like to know why you are complaining about those people : )

Stylius said

We’re like a family here! :wink:

not completely sure i would say the same but i do care about a lot of people here and i feel to wish them good luck. that’s it!

Ok! sry for the spam…

Yes i feel like we are a family too!
And i wish to everyone good luck for sure!

I just don’t like the phrase thats all…

Lol :slight_smile:

Best to say some thing positive. and it a universal over here it just people showing they like you item.

I always avoid criticising the item in the comment, as it is unfair and can effect sales of the author it was more apparent when the comments were viewable with the item its self, if i have a real problem with the item I will report to support, so far I have got 23 items removed for copyright reasons and I have let off about 50 who have blatantly copied someone else’s work but have changed it enough not to be straight up copyright.

So, it’s just an ‘allergy’ to the certain phrase/choice of words and not to the essense of the actual meaning/wish? That happens and if that’s the case I guess a: “I wish you a huge/great buyer’s response to your template” would be just fine? or maybe a “good luck with you.know.what” will also do? :evil: :stuck_out_tongue:

Exactly! just an “allergy” nothing more :slight_smile: Anything else i think it’s fine :stuck_out_tongue:

The “good luck with you know what” Is the best one :smiley:

Wow we are early birds, aren’t we? hehe.

Ok then, as far as I am concerned we’re all entitled to some personal ‘allergies’ whether it makes sense to the rest of us or not (hence ‘personal’) and I respect that (btw, do you automatically make an exact translation of the phrase in Greek in your head? b/c it does sound a bit weird that way since we don’t exactly use it that way. Not usually anyway lol).

But you got to understand that your first post came out a bit harsh and unappreciative of people’s support, mainly b/c of the poor choice of the word “stupid”. B/c no matter how you really meant it and no matter what the politically correct theory says, that naming an action as stupid (in this case) doesn’t necessarily mean that you automatically pass/apply that attribute to the one doing the action…well, it kinda does and hence the misunderstanding and the negative justified response from Silence and others. Anyway, I’m not “schooling” you with all of the above, just a friendly explaining of what just happened here in my perspective.

Cheers…and good luck with you know what :stuck_out_tongue:
Peace, everyone.

aRtlessX said

Wow we are early birds, aren’t we? hehe.

Ok then, as far as I am concerned we’re all entitled to some personal ‘allergies’ whether it makes sense to the rest of us or not (hence ‘personal’) and I respect that (btw, do you automatically make an exact translation of the phrase in Greek in your head? b/c it does sound a bit weird that way since we don’t exactly use it that way. Not usually anyway lol).

But you got to understand that your first post came out a bit harsh and unappreciative of people’s support, mainly b/c of the poor choice of the word “stupid”. B/c no matter how you really meant it and no matter what the politically correct theory says, that naming an action as stupid (in this case) doesn’t necessarily mean that you automatically pass/apply that attribute to the one doing the action…well, it kinda does and hence the misunderstanding and the negative justified response from Silence and others. Anyway, I’m not “schooling” you with all of the above, just a friendly explaining of what just happened here in my perspective.

Cheers…and good luck with you know what :stuck_out_tongue:
Peace, everyone.

Perfectly right! Now, good luck with your sales everyone! :sarcasm:

LMAO, you’re baaaaaad. :stuck_out_tongue:

A bit of irony: Once, when I wake up. I will read tutorial about food (what food i will eat on breakfast), I will read about what I will do. Then I will turn on the television - to know who is good / who is not. And during reading news feed i will remember that somebody wrote: “it’s not good to say: good luck with sales” … and I definitely won’t do that (because somebody want this just because he don’t like this sentence - because of his allergy). That’s also why I will never eat an apple - just because one friend of mine has an allergy (to apple)! Isn’t that a bit funny?

For example: because somebody don’t like some kind of cars i can’t buy them? Everyone is unique, different and has his own brain. So I am sorry, but because you’ve got an allergy … don’t matter. Just don’t read that “ugly” sentences. Some people want to be friends, want support other members (even though they know that other members are competitors).

… but it’s your opinion. I accept that!
Peace valmasgeorge! :slight_smile: btw you’ve got nice portfolio.

Bye, and respect!

Well, I’ll just remember to don’t post anything at all at your items. Don’t understand your “allergy”. This is a community :wink:

People! Make designs, not war !!!

alchymista said

People! Make designs, not war !!!

Geez! Just got a new cool slogan!

We Design War!

alchymista said

People! Make designs, not war !!!

That’s Epicera’s! :bigsmile: cool!

Stylius said
alchymista said

People! Make designs, not war !!!

That’s Epicera’s! :bigsmile: cool!

That’s true. I did not realize it, but it’s really Epicera’s slogan. Advertising makes a lot:)
It was meant in good.