Going through the tutorials on https://webdesign.tutsplus.com/courses/up-and-running-with-foundation-for-apps/
did changes to the gulp file, to have the BrowserSync Functionality, I guess they updated the gup file in the new version.
So after googling how to have browserSync, I added/replaced these lines in my gup file
var browserSync = require(‘browser-sync’);
_var reload = browserSync.reload; _
// Starts a test server, which you can view at http://localhost:8080
// gulp.task(‘server:start’, function() {
// $.connect.server({
// root: ‘./build’,
// middleware: function() {
// return [
// modRewrite([’^[^\.]*$ /index.html [L]’])
// ];
// },
// });
// });
gulp.task(‘server:start’, function() {
_ browserSync({_
_ open: false,_
_ notify: false,_
_ server: {_
_ baseDir: ‘./build’,_
_ middleware: [_
_ modRewrite([’^[^\.]*$ /index.html [L]’])_
_ ]_
_ }_
_ });_
// Builds your entire app once, without starting a server
gulp.task(‘build’, function(cb) {
_ sequence(‘clean’, [‘copy’, ‘copy:foundation’, ‘sass’, ‘uglify’], ‘copy:templates’, cb);_
// Default task: builds your app, starts a server, and recompiles assets when they change
gulp.task(‘default’, [‘server’], function () {
_ // Watch Sass_
_ gulp.watch([’./client/assets/scss//*’, './scss//*’], [‘sass’,reload]);_
_ // Watch JavaScript_
_ gulp.watch([’./client/assets/js//*’, './js//*’], [‘uglify:app’,reload]);_
_ // Watch static files_
_ gulp.watch([’./client//.’, '!./client/templates//.’, ‘!./client/assets/{scss,js}/**/.’], [‘copy’,reloads]);_
_ // Watch app templates_
_ gulp.watch([’./client/templates/**/*.html’], [‘copy:templates’,reload]);_
on trying to start my instance i get this error :
MacBook-Pro-2:TaskManager shishirrawat$ foundation-apps watch
-bash: foundation-apps: command not found