My first item got approved! It’s an emotional piano-led piece. No sales yet, but I’m a pretty patient person (okay, I’m checking my dashboard every hour or so). I won’t post it here as I don’t want to be seen as advertising, but if anyone wants to listen on my profile and maybe give some feedback as to the tracks chances of success, what they think of it, or anything else, that would be awesome.
Now I guess it’s time to get another one in the queue!
Keep creating and don’t obsess over it. My first 2 tracks had 0 sales, i deleted them recently
Your track is great, just stick with it and keep creating music.
Wow, thanks for all the encouragement everyone! To say thanks for the support, I gave you all a comment on a track and a follow (just the AJ authors, I know sometimes the other creators prefer not to have other market’s followers for various reasons and I don’t want anyone to feel like I’m spamming them). Love this community and the level of sheer talent and enthusiasm you people have, keep it up!