I was very excited to launch the first product on Codecanyon, and after few sales, the excitement was replaced with disappointment because of the tax-related (US Royalty Withholding Tax), I had 3 sales 49$ each and total earning is 57$ our of 147$ which the fees about 61% which is extremely disappointing, I’m Resident of Egypt and US Tax Treaty With Egypt is 15% ,I went to the local taxes authorities and they told me there is no such TIN for Egyptians (We don’t have individual tax number only companies ) and you can only use your ID number, I had submitted W8 TAX form and there are no changes in the previous earnings related to US Royalty Withholding Tax.
I would like to know how the previous/future sales will not be the standard 30% tax and if there is any way to reduce the tax rate or fees commission.