Finally first WordPress theme got approved

Finally after 13 round of soft rejects our first ever WordPress theme approved today in Themeforest. We would like to thank to all reviewer team who were involved in helping us making the theme better.

Congratulations (y)

Go ahead. Don’t look back.

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We also literally got soft rejection 5 time, every time reviewer is making up new “bugs”, it’s like the reviewer doesn’t want to do his job and actually review the bloody thing, but no, every time we upload our theme, it some other reason, is there a way to contact HQ, cause it really ain’t funny no more ?

Our experience was something different, yes we got 13 round of soft rejects but during this time our theme was alot fine tuned meaning every time the feedback from the reviewer was useful and logical. We are happy with the reviewers feedback and appreciate the effort and time given by the reviewer team.

for me it’s a nightmare and i’m really pissed, cause it really looks like a the guy that’s doing the review isn’t even trying.

He literally just doesn’t review it, i mean for chirst sake every time it’s something different, i mean should’t he sit down, do the bloody review with list of things that are not ok, but no, he just makes up the list of bugs as he goes.

Here’s the funniest thing, for example, all plugins need to me up to date, we got rejection because while he took 3 days to review it, plugin was updated in the meantime, and now one of the reasons in our new rejection list, is that" plugins is not up to date", bloody hilarious !

Keep calm and take it positively. I too got 3 rejection because of plugins updates: 1st one because of WooCommerce updates, Second one because of WordPress 4.9 updates and third one was because of Visual Composer and Revolution slider updates :slight_smile:

Yeah i know, but that’s the problem then, in that case envato/themeforest clearly doesn’t have staff capable for work.

It doesn’t make sense to reject the theme for not having updated plugins, which could have been updated while users are waiting for review, i’m mean if that’s the way you could literally never get your item released due to “not updated plugins”, it just feels like they are not doing their jobs at this point, and i wonder if there’s a way to contact HQ or demand other reviewer.

In addition, you should remove “Visual Composer Save 34$” and the other parts on the item page. It’s against of the rules.

Nupe its not against the rules have a look here what we can do and we cannot do:

I meant this:

  • Visual Composer: Page Builder for WordPress ($34 Value)
  • Revolution Slider ($25 Value)

While you may generally market the value of your item (including using dollar value amounts), you cannot display or represent the value of any included components or features as part of your item’s price

So you mean the word I used “Save” is wrong and need to use Value instead?

Your item is fine as long as you don’t claim your item value includes component values. Which currently it does not do.

Nothing is wrong with this.

Your item price is $59 so if you claimed your total item value was $118 ($59 + $34 + $25) then that would be against the rules, but it’s okay to simply list the different components and how much they would cost to buy separately - and this is exactly what you’re doing.

I don’t see any mention of $118 on your item page so you’re good to go. :+1:

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Thank you for the clarification.

In full:

While you may generally market the value of your item (including using dollar value amounts), you cannot display or represent the value of any included components or features as part of your item’s price or in a way it could be perceived as a promotional price

You just stated the bold part but there’s another statement before it
“You cannot display or represent the value of any included components”

Yes, I’m not sure what you’re getting at. He’s not breaking that rule in any way.

In that rules post, James makes it perfectly clear you can talk about the value of included components, you simply can’t advertise it as a sale or promotional price, or a part of the item’s price. @Bickyg is not doing that, they’re just pointing out the value of the components as James said.

Also, you can’t just cut out pieces of a sentence and use them however you want. Let me fix that for you. :wink:

“You cannot display or represent the value of any included components or features as part of your item’s price”

So for example, “$118 Only $59!” is not allowed.

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I gotten 20 Soft Reject and finally its got approved and it will definitely help lots for your next theme to approve in less time so keep going best of luck

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