Feedback Of New Template Before Submit :D

Hey Guys How Are You ?

I completed My One Page Template Have a Look


Is it Pass the review process ? Or not… And Any Suggestion For Improvement


Your template is good, I like it :slight_smile:

Thanks :slight_smile:

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Hello scriptsbundle,

I appreciate your work, but in my eyes, the design is not ready for ThemeForest. The design’s visual hierarchy is missing. Take more time for the design. Thanks… :slight_smile:


Your layout kinda breaks between 980px and 1150px, can fix this with css.
And sort of agree with @TheTork you have laid a really good base / foundation, but needs more time.

Good luck!

@_eightmad thanks for your feedback :smiley: its really helping

On hover on the black text, you are making the text to white, this kinda makes it less readable on yellow bg.

very good work
i really like it
but i have some issues with the readability in titles in services section like INOVATIVE IDEA
it’s hard to read and not comfortable with the eye.
in some other places you use the white font color with yellow background which is hard to read too.
and in the footer
social media icons needs to be improved
but in general your theme is very good
fix these issues and go ahead, i hope you will be accepted soon