Welcome to Envato FAMOUS FIVE!. Each week we’ll be taking a look at five examples of Envato items popping up in famous places. If you’d like to contribute head to our ENVATO FAMOUS FIVE! Submissions thread.

First up this week, there's nothing like a bit of costume play...

BlizzCon 2015 - Cosplay Music Video


This montage of some of the most meticulously crafted outfits worn by people at last year’s Blizzcon has attracted quite a lot of views, over 136,000 in fact. And it’s great to see one of our Envato items underscoring it. @MagicMusicStudio’s AudioJungle track Trailer” is the cherry on top of this beautifully epic video, and makes for some great exposure for this piece of work.


Bank BelVeb (english version)


A highly produced commercial deserves a highly produced track to accompany it and that’s exactly what this ad from Bank BelVeb has gotten with @TheJRSoundDesign’sExperience”. It fits in seamlessly with this rather epic ad making it easy to see why this Author has over 1,000 sales and a 5 star rating. Well done TheJRSoundDesign.


Grandma Gets Arrested PRANK!!


YouTuber Roman Atwood has over 8 million subscribers and is a consistent user of Envato items. For this video he’s used @Gae47’s The Detective” to underscore this prank where he convinces his Grandmother she’s been arrested. It’s hilarious and with over 9 million views it looks like a lot of other people agree. A huge congratulations to Gae47!


Зустрічайте 3G+ Інтернет на космічній швидкості!


Ukranian telecommunications company Life:), which rebranded to LifeCell earlier this year has used VideoHiver, @Slava_Tverdokhlebov’sHud Infographics” item in this video advertising the speed of their mobile network. It’s an awesome achievement to be featured in a national campaign. So, well done Slava!




And finally, this prank featuring star footballer Cristiano Ronaldo in disguise fooling people on the streets of Spain has over 14 million views on YouTube! That’s incredible!! And what’s even better is that an Envato item makes an appearance! @DejansAudioJungle track “Missing You” pops up at the beginning and end of this video, giving another one of our items some massive exposure. Well done Dejans.

Congratulations to all our famous authors!

If you have an item that’s popped up somewhere famous, post it in our FAMOUS FIVE! Submissions thread



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Congratulations for all :wink:

Congrats to all authors! :slight_smile:

awesome :smiley: congrats !

Fame at last! :wink:

I submitted battlefield official trailer but hasn’t got that many views yet :frowning:

I still do not understand how to know where my tracks used

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Funny bunnys in LifeCell ad looks like Duracell’s rabbit.

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All authors did a great job! All authors did a great job! Advertise with the bank BelVEB a wonderful composition of TheJRSoundDesign looks very cool!