Envato's focus


Lately I am seeing a great focus on new products by envato.

Please guys do not forget this is your primary product, there is still a lot of issues that are being ignored, do not force authors to start looking for alternatives.

We are proud to be part of this community and would not like to see it go down.
At least start fixing or responding to the small bugs we report. for example PSD popular list.

The revised rating is still a big pain and the end of free support period is closing really fast.
And this are just 2 of many issues.

Long ticket response, catastrophic review times and methods. Start throwing some attention and resources to your main platforms.

Envato support system for authors would be a good idea to especially cos of the high % you get for support fees.
Lately we as an author are feeling really neglected and ignored and majority of steps that are maid actually hurts our position financially and in other views.

Hope somebody notices this and I have a feeling authors should agree with us.


All I need is increasing of sale after their moving to US :blush: