Envato Trends video content featuring Elements Authors/items


I’m Julia, Envato’s Content Marketing Manager from the Marketing team. I manage the teams at Envato that are responsible for Tuts+, the Envato Blog, YouTube, Social Media, and the Envato Forums (@BenLeong, @KingDog etc.). Basically anywhere where we’re publishing marketing content :wink:

For some time now, we’ve been producing regular trend-themed video and blog content that features Elements authors/items on our YouTube channel and blog. I thought I’d jump in here and let you know about some recent videos we’ve published around design, web design, video & more:

1. UX/UI Design Trends

Our UX/UI Design Trend video has had over 225k views so far. It covers a variety of trends in the world of UX and UI design including neumorphism, subtle animation and variable fonts.

We featured items from @merkulove, @Layerdrops @CocoBasic, adamfathony, and @laaqiq in this video.

2. Video Trends

We featured items from @_miko, @DefMode, @YETYYY, Media_Stock, @TranSMaxX, MaxX,
@vals_valley, @flikmotion, and @REDVFX in this video.

3. Logo Design Trends

We featured items from @floringheorghe, @MonsieurCat, @BNIMIT, @Sentavio, @DesignDistrict, @visuelcolonie, @PixaSquare2, ivan_artnivora and Zeppelin_Graphics in this video.

PLUS, we made these videos with a template by @Pinwheel04 and music from @LoopsLab.

If you’d like to share any of these videos on your social channels, please tag us! The more they’re shared the more people will see them!

Got ideas for trends? We’re going to be covering the following categories in videos over the next few months so let us know below if you’ve spotted any trends that you think we should include…

  • Social Media Trends
  • Web Design Trends
  • Design Trends
  • Video Trends

@julia_fernandez Awesome work with these trend videos and posts on the blog! Great idea :slightly_smiling_face:

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Glad you like them!

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Following on from last week’s post - here are a few more trends videos featuring authors & items from Envato Elements:

1. Photography Trends

We featured items by @UnicDesign, @creativetacos, allanthedp, @sreda, and @twinbrush in this video.

2. Illustration Trends

We featured items by usedesignspace, @guerillacraft, @danjazzia, @themefire, sukmaraga, PixelSquid360, NataliyaDolotko, @BoykoPictures, @aqrstudio, @Themesbrand, and @aurielaki in this video.

3. Graphic Design Trends

We featured items by @Guuver, @nixmotion_v2, @Sko4, @august10, @themefire, @Chanut_industries, @MehmetRehaTugcu, @pixelbuddha_graphic, @miph, @bangingjoints, and @dafeld in this video.

If you’d like to share any of these videos on your social channels, please tag us!


Thanks for featured me on envato video,
really proud for this one



Thanks for sharing these videos and using our music! :man_dancing::dancer:t2::grinning:

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@LoopsLab You’re very welcome!

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Wow)) So cool videos! Happy to be featured) Thank you!



We’ve got another round of Envato creative trends videos that feature authors & items from Envato Elements. If you’re happy to share any of these videos via your own channels, please tag Envato:

1. Marketing Trends

In this video we featured items from @Proskurovskiy, @AndiKadiu, @EnesM, @NobleMetal, @Therealist_Shop, @uicreativenet, @spacestudios, @mir_design, @SebicheArgentino, @aiyari, @agungugang, @Guuver and @bangingjoints.

Collection: https://elements.envato.com/collections/SBMVYJLE5K

2. eCommerce Trends

In our eCommerce Trends video we featured items from @spacestudios, @Genetic96, @deTheme, @Premiumilk, @MotionMediaGroup, @Colorama, @Elfsight, @vidzhut, @Ninetheme and @InspireUI.

Spotted any trends we should know about? Let us know below!


Space stuff. People go crazy for the space stuff.

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We made another one =)

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