Envato Elements doesnt work in my region (Russia)

Hey, I have a question. Envato Elements stopped working a few days ago in my country (I live in Russia). I have an active subscription and what am I paying for? Envato elemets just doesnt work without VPN.

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Contact support:

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I have the same issue! How I should contact the support if elements.envato.com is not working at all?

Hi @onedaywonderr and @BeVideo-pr. We’re currently investigating this, as we have observed a drop in traffic from Russia that may correspond with the issues that you’re experiencing.

If you are able to visit the Envato Elements Support link that is posted above, please open a support ticket so that our CS team can help you directly.

Envato is not blocking access to your country, as we only block site traffic from countries and regions on the Restricted list shown here: https://help.author.envato.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000471303-What-Countries-Can-I-Not-Use-Envato-From

(That Help Centre article is on the help.elements.envato.com subdomain - if you can’t view that page, the current list contains Iran, Cuba, Syria, Crimea Region, North Korea, and both the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics)

If you can’t access the Support page at all, please send me a direct message on these forums and I’ll find some alternative methods for you.

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Yeah, thank you. I’ve tried to contact with Envato Support, but the problem is still the same. My friends from Russia have the same problem. So what is the solution? Thank u

Your limitation to Elements may be coming from your internet provider if it’s not from Envato.

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I think that’s the reason:
The Registry of Blocked Sites reports that E.Elements has been completely blocked throughout the R.F. on the basis of a court decision since July 11.


Thanks for the info @Crypt-of-Insomnia.

Our investigations do suggest that local regulations or censorship outside of our control may be affecting Elements access from Russia: this appears to vary across internet service providers though, so it may also be worth following up with your ISP for more information. This change to your Elements access is not something that we have implemented ourselves.

@onedaywonderr and @BeVideo-pr - I’ll send you both DMs with an alternative method for opening a support ticket about this.

If any other Elements subscribers in Russia are experiencing the same issue and can’t open a support ticket, please contact me directly (click on my username, and then the blue “message” button).

Understood. Tell me, is the Envato leadership going to somehow resolve this situation with the Russian Federation? A huge number of authors and my friends in Russia use Envato Elements. It would be sad to lose access forever and have to look for similar platforms. @BenLeong

Роскомнадзор заблокировал сайт стоков Envato elements. Это один из самых крупнейших сайтов с разнообразными звуками, музыкой, шаблонами, шрифтами, фотографиями, графикой и видео без какого либо контекста, для дальнейшего использования в документальных фильмах, роликах, блогах.


I’m pretty sure the reason ( Does anyone have information for “Article 15.1”? ) behind is related to tax as ShutterStock now owns the company and probably they don’t have the arrangement/registration with Russian tax authorities.

The restriction comes from one court, Whoever reported the “issue” could create the case with different court, at the end it’d be going offline again. Probably soon, there’d be a new/local “company” providing the “same/similar” service in Russia. Most likely Envato will have to offer refund for the subscribers who’s not willing to use VPN.

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@onedaywonderr That looks unlikely, at this stage. Any Russian customers who are unable to access the Elements site can contact our Customer Success team to arrange a cancellation and refund for their subscriptions.

Authors and their content are generally not affected by this particular issue: only the Elements shopfront (and its support portal) are blocked, so those authors can still use our upload tools, dashboards and item management tools.

@ki-themes No, this is not a tax issue. Article 15.1 describes censored content types in Russia.

It’s sad that Envato brings politics into sales

Haven’t you read the forum. It’s been over 2 years…

Sad, that Envato doesn’t have any interest to regulate this problem. Maybe, me and my friends should look for another platform

Hi. Please check what @BenLeong wrote in this topic:

It looks like it is not Envato fault.

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It doesn’t seem like it has anything to do with taxes.
If you refer to the article number that you indicated, then we can conclude that the supervisory organization didn’t like something about the content of the photo/video materials.



Уморительно. Я не понимаю претензий в отношении энвато, с какого перепуга энвато должен че то делать если роскомнадзор решением суда заблокировал доступ к сайту, если ваш интернет провайдер заблокирует доступ к сайту какому нибудь вы тоже будете винить владельцев сайта? Может вы свои претензии соберете в папочку и отнесете в Роскомнадзор? Или страшно получить по шапке от опричников?

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