Envato Community 2019 T-shirt contest - winners now announced!

It’s time to announce the winners of the 2019 Community T-shirt contest!

Sorry for the delay in posting this - I’ve been offline recently, attending to some family issues. We’ve now received the final scores from our judges, so I can reveal who the winners are…

Grand Prize winner - RautanStudio!

In first place, taking grand prize as our first two-time winner is @rautanstudio!

Here’s the winning design for 2019, featuring mascot characters from each of the Envato marketplaces:


If you love his work as much as we do, you can check out his GraphicRiver profile here.

Rautanstudio wins $500 USD, a printed copy of the new T-shirt design, and the gold Merch Designer badge on his Envato profile.

Runners up

The next five entries, as ranked by our Design Judges, are @alagan_tasarim, @arasari, @NEWFLIX, @UnlockDesign and @Escarabay. These five members win the first Merch Designer Shortlist badges to be awarded in our community :slight_smile: Scoring was very close this year, with only 1-2 points separating most of the entries.

Community participation prizes

Our Community Judges have also picked out ten people who participated in this thread, as we’ll be awarding each of them a T-shirt with a printed copy of the 2019 design. This year’s participation prizes go to @Jthemes, @KipaLoops, @jeriteam007, @Novocaina, @MotionFox, @NEWFLIX, @NinjaTeam, @cyzer, @OmWebSolutions and @photoshopyat.

As we’ve done in previous years, each of the amazing Envato Community Moderators will also receive the new T-shirt design to thank them for the fantastic job they do in keeping these forums running smoothly.

@Kingdog and I will be contacting all the winners and arranging prizes shortly. Congratulations to all the winners, and thanks for your creative energy! Also, stay tuned - I’ll be announcing another community contest (for a sticker design this time) later this month.